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Who doesn’t want fabulous, flawless skin? Practicing good skin care is not just a seasonal thing. Skin Care is yearly and can change depending on the season. Winter can be extremely brutal on our faces. From the wind, dry indoor air and just being so darn cold, it’s important to take precautionary steps in our skin care.

Want to learn how to change your skin care this winter? Continue to read on!

Using more Moisturizer

It is important to adjust your skincare routine as the seasons change because environmental conditions are a key contribute to overall skin health. It is common during the cold, wintery months to experience skin that feels more dry and dehydrated; this calls for extra moisturizer that is more rich. It is recommended to implement more emollient and moisturizing products such as layering an organic oil such as argan oil underneath your moisturizer. This helps your skin be more resistant to dryer conditions.


Are you noticing your skin has been flaky lately? This is your skin telling you to update your skin care! If you notice any changes to your skin, listen to it and seek what it’s lacking. When it comes to exfoliating in the winter, you still want to be careful and not over do it. Light acids are a gentle way to exfoliate. Use a very light pressure in circular motions to loosen the top layer of skin before adding your serums and moisturizers. Remember, do not over do it with exfoliate.

Facial Toner

Winter weather can really take a toll when it comes to hydration in the skin. Adding a toner to your routine can help. Facial toners help balance the skin, strengthen the skin’s barrier and provide proper hydration. Applying toner before your apply moisturizer products will help improve absorption; this helps keep your skin comfortable and healthy throughout the cold months.

Adding in individual skin needs

Do you suffer from acne, oily or dry skin, or skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, or rosacea? You need to take those into consideration as well when it comes to your skincare. If you suffer from psoriasis or rosacea, you will need to apply a thicker moisturizer. Avoid hot showers and use humidifiers. Acne sufferers should change to hydrating treatment products that will help treat acne but also provide the recommended moisture. Throughout the winter months, your skin will need two kinds of moisturizers: one that acts as a barrier on the skin to prevent moisture loss and one that keeps the skin cells hydrated.


Your cleanser needs to be moisturizing as well. Making sure your cleanser is boosting your skin’s moisture and hydration is key.  You will need to switch to a more creamy cleanser that will leave your skin feeling hydrated. Avoid using any foam cleansers, or gel cleansers; these products tend to dry out the skin.

Adding a Facial Mask

If you don’t already, using a facial mask is highly recommended. Look for masks full of hydrating and moisturizing ingredients is your best bet for the winter months. Avoid using clay masks once the weather gets cooler.

Don’t Eliminate Sunscreen from your Skincare Routine!

Just because you are not spending a lot of time in the sun and the weather is cooler, doesn’t mean you don’t need to wear sunscreen. The sun emits harmful UV rays year round; it is just as damaging as it is in the warmer months. It is very important to apply sunscreen if you are using retinol cream as well.  Daily sunscreen is your best defense against aging.