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French women are well known for their elaborate skin care routine and their unbelievable skin has proven this theory. Many American women are inspired by the “je ne sais quoi” chic lifestyle that the French seem to possess at birth. When it comes to skincare, it’s not just about pampering for these women, it’s about prevention and protection of the skin. In France, makeup is about good grooming and committing to a beauty routine is a form of social politeness. French women also do not follow trends and fades; they stick to classic beauty such as red lips and smudged eyes.

Many infamous French Women have become beauty icons throughout the decades. From Coco Chanel to Brigitte Bardot, these women have changed the way we possess natural beauty. Another historic and iconic woman in the French beauty was Marie Antoinette. Known for her elaborate grooming habits and luxurious lifestyle, her inspiration still graces the powder rooms of French Women today.

Marie Antoinette had a thirst for the finer things in life, as many historians stated; she has never worn more than one outfit. Her bath ritual included bathing her skin with linseed, pine nuts and sweet almonds; In which many women still religiously follow this skincare routine. Marie also had a signature face mask that consisted of four ingredients: Cognac, one egg, powdered milk and juice of one lemon. Even 200 years ago, Early Modern France knew that these ingredients are a potent element in having clear and glowing skin.

French women swear that this mask really does work and has amazing results. Lemon juice is known to tighten pores and will naturally exfoliate the skin. Egg whites are packed with protein to help repair the skin tissue.

You don’t have to be a royal bloodline to enjoy this face mask! Put on your best silk robe or pjs and feel like your inner queen with Marie Antoinette’s Face Mask.

– Juice of 1 Lemon
– ⅓ cup of hormone-free dry milk powder
– 2 teaspoons of Cognac (or Vodka)
– 1 egg white

1. Blend the ingredients into a smooth paste or stir them together with a fork or wire whisk
2. Apply the mixture to your face and let it dry for about 15 mins
3. Rinse with warm water and pat your skin dry with a soft towel (or our Envi Towel)
4. Finish off with your favorite moisturizer