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We have all been there.. We are exhausted from working all day or from enjoying a night out. We crash into our beds with the thought of “I don’t have to take off my makeup for the night”.. WRONG. Regardless of the reasons, makeup should never be worn to bed. Some of you maybe sceptics of this topic and think there’s nothing wrong with going to sleep with your makeup on. Let’s break down the nasty effects that will happen when you skip the removal wipe for the night.

At night, our skin’s most important function is to renew itself. Wearing makeup or even foundation to bed prevents the renewal process, causing damage to the skin. Did you know going to bed with your makeup will age your skin 7 times faster! If that doesn’t still have you convinced to not do it, let’s go down the list shall we.

  1. Eyeshadow- Wearing leftover eyeshadow can clog the oil glands and hair follicles on your eyelids, causing infections such as styes
  2. Foundation- When foundation mixes, the oil in your T-zone can cause wrinkles, acne, clogged pores and as severe as bacterial infections! Gross!
  3. Mascara and Eyeliner- When you sleep with mascara or eyeliner on, it gets into your eyes causing irritation. Also, your mascara will fake off roughly pulling some of your eyelashes out with it.
  4. Makeover over holds onto dirt, oil and dead skin cells, which can clog your pores causing blackheads and major acne.
  5. Lipstick- Did you know you can actually ingest your lipstick?! Along with that, lip products can clog your pores around your lips which turns into little blackheads. No one wants blackheads on their lips!

Hopefully reading this list helps convince you to always remove your makeup prior to bed. If you are one of those people who forget, keep makeup wipes next to your bedside. This way it will remind you to take off your makeup. After all, if you can be on your phone in bed, you can easily wipe your makeup off!


Sparenity by Rayson