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Whether you’re the type of person that goes to the nail salon every three weeks for upkeep or the one who forever has chipped, uneven nails, we all long for healthy, perfectly manicured nails. Maintaining nails doesn’t have to be expensive or time- consuming. Follow these tips and have your nails looking fabulous good!

Here’s how to maintain healthy, strong nails.

Keep your nails very clean

It’s important to keep your nails and surrounding skin dirt- free. Always remember to wash hands and nails before touching your face; this can prevent unwanted breakouts. Remove any traces of your last nail color with an acetone-free remover; this will prevent drying out your nails. For best results for removing nail polish, try using Sparenity by Rayson’s mani/pedi wipes. Applying soap to a toothbrush then gently scrubbing your nails and skin will help remove dirt and exfoliate any dead skin.

Be gentle on your nails

Your nails are delicate and scrubbing them too hard can actually expose you to infections. Be mindful when using metal tools under the nails. Too much digging of the nails can cause Onychosis; which is caused when the nail plate separates from the skin.

Always have a nail file on hand

If your everyday activities cause a lot of wear and tear, keep a nail file nearby to smooth away any rough edges that happen on the spot. Work in one direction with the grain of your nail for a smoother finish.

Regularly cleaning nail tools

Just like it’s important to keep your nails clean, it’s also important to keep the nail tools clean as well. To keep your nails happy and infection free, wash your tools with soap and water then wiping them down with alcohol.

Leave cuticles alone

Cuticles of our nails are to seal the area at the base of the nail. When it is cut or removed, this breaks the seal of protection; which can leave one with bacteria causing infections. The more you leave your cuticles alone; your nails will thank you. Taking care of your cuticles also help avoid painful and slightly annoying hangnails.

Giving your nails a break

Letting your nails breathe once and awhile is considered an important upkeep. Save the bold and bright nail colors for the weekend and late night outs. Throughout the week, give you nails a break in order to breathe and repair by wearing a clear gloss. Going from one strong nail polish to the next can cause major breakage, yellow nails and dry the nails out. Nail polish removers can also be the reason behind these issues as well. Be cautious of the use of nail polish and opt for wearing natural nails.

Daily moisturize your hand and nails

In a proper skincare routine, you wouldn’t skip out applying moisturizer on your face, so why not do the same for your nails? Using a mixture of almond and avocado oils help keep the cuticles and nails hydrated. Using any nutrient rich moisturizer or lip balm helps as well too.

Loading up on Protein rich food

Our fingernails are made up of protein called keratin. Maintaining a healthy diet is crucial for proper nail care. Adding vitamins and supplements like biotin, Vitamin E, and fish oil to your diet can help improve the clarity of your skin, shiny hair and stronger, clearer nails. Also, adding protein rich foods such as beans, fish, and nuts are beneficial to a healthier diet.